Clinical Study of Collagen Membrane Associated with Calcium Phosphate Cement treatment of Grade ⅱ Furcation Involvement 胶原膜与磷酸钙骨水泥联合治疗Ⅱ度根分叉病变的临床研究
It analyzes the problem of phosphate treatment for boiler water in niangziguan power plant, bring up suggestion, in order to reduce the corrosion and scaling of water wall tube. 对娘子关发电厂炉水磷酸盐处理存在的问题进行分析,对降低锅炉水冷壁的腐蚀和结垢提出了建设性意见。
Evaluation of curative effect of creatine phosphate in treatment of patients with acute severe head injury 磷酸肌酸钠辅助治疗急性重型颅脑损伤的疗效评价
Effect and Mechanism of Magnetic Fields on Phosphate Treatment on High-speed Steel Tools 磁场作用对高速钢刀具表面磷化处理的影响及机理探讨
Specification for phosphate treatment of iron and steel parts before painting GB/T6807-1986钢铁工件涂漆前磷化处理技术条件
Discussion on Application of pH phosphate Coordination Treatment Used in Subcritical Units 协调pH&磷酸盐处理在亚临界机组上的应用探讨
Chemicals Compounding for Coordinated pH-Phosphate Treatment 协调pH-磷酸盐处理药品配制
Survey and analysis of equilibrium phosphate treatment 平衡磷酸盐处理有关问题的分析探讨
Cool phosphate treatment of downhole electric equipment in mines 矿山井下电气设备隔爆面冷磷化处理工艺及注意问题
An automatic control system for phosphate coordinated treatment of boiler water in thermal power plant was developed, using intelligent algorithm and speed regulation technique with variable frequency. 利用智能算法和变频调速技术开发出火电厂炉水磷酸盐协调自动控制系统。重点介绍了智能算法在控制系统中的应用。
Practice and Discussion of Equilibrium Phosphate Treatment Boiler Water in 3~# 、 4~# Boiler of the Power Plant 某热电厂3~、4~炉水平衡磷酸盐处理实践与探讨
Zn Ca Phosphate Treatment Technology for Cold Extruding Quality Wire Zn-Ca系磷化处理在线材冷挤压工艺中的应用
The trend in phosphate treatment technology has been summarized such as phosphate-free, nickel free, chromium free passivation, low temperature phosphate treatment and surface pretreatment before phosphate treatment. 概述了磷化技术在无亚硝酸盐磷化,无镍磷化,无铬钝化,低温磷化及磷化前表面预处理方面的进展。
The Development of Phosphate Treatment for Painting Aluminium 涂装打底用铝件磷化发展概况
Conclusion: Effect of cyclic adenosine phosphate treatment on congestive heart failure is notable and safe in CHF patient. 结论:环磷酸腺苷治疗充血性心力衰竭疗效确切、安全,无明显毒副作用。
Analysis on Phosphate Treatment Testing Applied to 1021 t/ h Boiler 1021t/h锅炉磷酸盐处理控制指标的试验研究
According to the mechanism of anti-corrosion of the metals, the effect of phosphate treatment on drilling tools are analyzed as well as generalizing the present anti-corrosive methods by reducing the corrosive characteristics of drilling fluid. 为了缓解钻具腐蚀,根据金属防腐原理,除采用传统的钻井液处理方法外,对钻具表面进行磷化处理,使其具有抗腐蚀能力,更有效果。
This paper gives a summary and discussion of the application of equilibrium phosphate treatment boiler water in 3~# 、 4~# boilers of the power plant. 本文就某电厂3、4炉炉内水工况采用平衡磷酸盐处理的应用进行总结与探讨。
The research and preparation of a SLOW-DISSOLVED phosphate water treatment agent and its uses in boiler water treatment 缓溶磷酸盐水处理剂的研制及在锅炉水处理中的应用
A Convenient and Quick Test Method of Phosphate Treatment 一种快捷简便的磷化处理测试方法
The result indicates while 3~# 、 4~# boiler water treatment method changed from N_aOH treatment to equilibrium phosphate treatment, the corrasion of water cooled wall is effectively controled. 试验结果表明,该厂3、4锅炉炉内水处理方式由氢氧化钠处理改变为平衡磷酸盐处理后,水冷壁的腐蚀得到了有效控制。
Practice of boiler water low phosphate treatment in steam power plants 热力发电厂炉水低磷处理的实践
Development and Application of Phosphate Treatment Technology Used in Boiler Water Adjusting in Drum Boiler 磷酸盐处理技术在汽包锅炉炉水调节中的应用与发展
Application of the Balanced Phosphate Treatment with Subcritical Parameter Steam Drum Boiler 平衡磷酸盐处理在亚临界参数汽包炉上的应用
The results show that the equilibrium phosphate treatment ( or ultra low phosphate treatment) is the best way to treat boiler water. 结果表明,平衡磷酸盐处理(或超低磷酸盐处理)是首选的炉水处理方式。
Test and Research on Filming Technology through Alkalization and Equilibrium Phosphate Treatment for Power Station Boiler 电站锅炉碱化造膜技术和平衡磷酸盐工况试验研究
Comparison of Phosphate Treatment Technologies for Drum Type Boilers 磷酸盐处理汽包锅炉技术的比较研究
The silane treatment is a new kind of metal surface treatment technique. Compared with the traditional chromate and phosphate treatment, organic silane treatment is friendly to environment. 有机硅烷化处理是一种新型的表面防护技术,与传统的铬化和磷化工艺相比,有机硅烷化处理对环境无害。
The results showed that the BTSPS film can greatly increase the corrosion resistance of materials, and its performance very close to chromate and phosphate treatment. 实验表明,在2A12铝合金表面涂覆硅烷膜能大大提高材料的耐蚀性,并且,经过改性之后,其性能接近铬酸化处理工艺。
Low quantity ( 400g/ m2) calcium-magnesia phosphate fertilizer treatment can improve tobacco fresh weight, 800g/ m2calcium-magnesia phosphate fertilizer and sepiolite such two treatments have no significant effect on tobacco fresh weight, plant height and available leaf number. 3. 较低量(400g/m2)钙镁磷肥提高烟叶的鲜重,800g/m2的钙镁磷肥和海泡石的2个处理对烟叶鲜重、株高、有效叶数均没有显著影响。